Conservative voters are a curious bunch. They cheer, vote for, and repeat the mantra of conservative billionaires and predatory Republicans who promise that the answer to their problems is small government. But small government, even in a true democracy, works to the advantage of harmful industries and predatory corporations. In a small government democracy, there is no over sight to destructive corporate behavior.
In America it will lead to a quicker deeper eradication of the white middle class.
Small government offers conservative voters nothing but joblessness, low pay, waste, pollution, war, poverty, privatization and a decaying infrastructure. By their vote they contribute to the Republican mantra of ineffective government (of which conservatives and Tea Party Republicans are the main culprits) and destruction of the white middle class.
All of this chaos and destruction in the economy and infrastructure of America is a fall out of Republican leadership, Republican obstruction, and the Republican lack of leadership.
Bruce Bartlett who was Ronald Reagan Economic Policy Adviser said of this current group of Republicans and their traitorous behavior: "They dream of anarchy, ending government."
Why do we call out conservative voters? We call them out because they continue to vote for predatory Republican who vociferously repeat the mantra of "small government" to their trusting minions. They place their faith in politicians who want to deregulate predatory industries, and destroy unions. Their goal is the privatization of education and the privatization of government services. They will destroy legitimate government jobs, underfund public education, and make higher education unaffordable to all but the children of the wealthy.
The end game in all of this cannot be overstated. It is the destruction of American's white middle class. When the eradication of the white middle class is fully realized, the reality of an American oligarchy becomes an even more horrific assault on jobs, family income, education, the economy, and everything else that benefits the common good.
The destruction of the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for the white middle class is nowhere more obvious than it is in the depletion of the almost non-existent white middle class in brain washed right wing conservatives living in red states. While they worry about liberals, illegal immigrants, their guns, and the right to discriminate against the minority of choice; their own rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is being sucked away.
For years conservatives voters have gloriously and without apology feasted on the putrid swill fed to them by conservative pundits the likes of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and the ever growing population of Republican Governors and GOP presidential candidates who unabashedly ride in the GOP Clown Car. They cheer for Republican candidates who offer them nothing but hate, red neck homilies, and bellicose rhetoric that-as Lenny Bruce said-"sounds good to a dummy."
The question conservative voters need to ask themselves is why are Republicans such proponents of "small government". They plant the rhetoric of "small government" in the minds of their base because the Republican Party is committed only to the health and wealth of the wealthy. They couldn't care less about their conservative base.
The desire for small government in a true democracy is desirable for the wealthy because small government works to the advantage of the wealthy. Small government does not work to the advantage of the people.
Be advised America, when you cheer for small government, you are cheering for:
1. The destruction of the EPA and no oversight over predatory industries that pollute the air you and your children breath; the water you and your children drink, and the food you and your children eat. And while some conservatives troll for chaos and will object by saying that the EPA does not regulate the food industry, you know that every source of pollution that affects you and your children, pollutes your food supply and pollutes the water you drink and cook with.
2. The destruction of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
Why such vigorous Republican opposition to these? The answer is simple. They are opposed to anything and everything that benefit the common good. In their predatory hate possessed minds, only the wealthy are entitled to health, economic security, and the pursuit of happiness.
There is more to this destructive list. but if this doesn't cause you to rethink your slavish commitment to those who would enslave you, then nothing will. And you become a victim to your desired fate.
And maybe it's what you deserve. But is this what your children and grandchildren deserve?