If, as Christians proclaim, God is Love and Jesus Christ is His son, then many conservatives on the christian right who praise God and profess to love God and The Christ are in deep trouble. What follows are 10 fatal delusion held by arrogant Christian Conservatives on the political right that are abominations to their proclaimed Lord and Savior and brutally bad for America.
1. You have a right to discriminate against, punish, or deny service and civil rights to anyone who doesn't share your religious beliefs or share your moral values. Even when the behavior of these "sinners", as you like to call them, don't affect you directly or anyone else personally, you feel you have a moral obligation to persecute others in the name of God and religion.
2. Everything written in the Bible is the true word of God and should be quoted any time you need to justify any anti-christian behavior. If everything written in the Bible were true there wouldn't be so many contradictions in it. Besides, do you really believe God Commanded Joshua to strike down the walls of Jericho and to "utterly destroy" every man, woman, child, and thing within its gates except for its gold, silver, brass, and iron and the family of Rahab the "harlot" who betrayed the people of her city by hiding spies?
3. God hates only the people you hate. And God loves only the people who are members of the group with whom you identify and who share your political religious rants. Really??
4. God commands you to pass and support laws that deprive people you don't like or trust of their personal rights, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness because you do not condone whatever you think is "wrong" with them. In fact, there is a bible verse that warns against just that. "Woe to those who enact evil statues, And to those who constantly record unjust decisions, So as to deprive the needy of justice, And rob the poor of my people of their rights." ISAIAH 10: 1-2.
5. You have not benefited from the wisdom and intelligence of liberals and liberal thinkers. Don't forget that Jesus was a liberal who loved women and the poor of his people and hated unjust laws, greed, hypocrisy, and persecution of the weak and disenfranchised.
6. Believing in Evolution means you don't believe in God. Really? God created the world in six days and stopped? If God is a Creator God could He still be creating? Can evolution be part of God's Creative Process? Let's hope so, because man is so inherently flawed in his spiritual, emotional, and intellectual design that if an evolutionary process cannot make us better, God will have to destroy our species and start over.
7. You can honor God and Jesus Christ with your lips and hate your fellow human beings. No you cannot. Waving your hands in the air and repeatedly praising the name of Jesus does not make you a Christian. Remember the words of Jesus in Mark 7: 6-9. "And He said to them, Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written.This people Honors Me with Their lips, but their Heart Is Far away from me. but in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrine the precepts of men. Neglecting the commandments of God you hold onto the tradition of men."
8. When it is done in His Name, God will forgive stupidity, arrogance, war, rape, oppression of women, oppression of the poor, and the persecution of those who are different and of those you call sinners. No He will not. That behavior is an abomination to the Lord Our God. God has enough power to destroy sinners at any time if that were his wont. He doesn't need puny humans to serve as assassins to persecute and punish those you think He hates.
9. You are standing on high moral ground when you deny women the right to sexual health care and the right to make personal choices about their own bodies. And you are standing on high moral ground and when you deny LGBT their civil rights. To the contrary, you are standing in an immoral bog.
10. God intended men to dominate women and commanded wives to be submissive to their husbands. No. Paul did that. God is not so enamored with the male of our species that he put women here for our personal use and pleasure. That was a lie perpetuated by men for reasons which should be obvious to women by now.