In search of an explanation for Republican behavior that reeks of obstruction and borders on sedition, I am drawn to two question. Can a virtual virus infect the conservative brain? Or has the Republican Party has been co-opted by an infestation of foreign enemies, insurgents, and foreign conspirators hell bent on the destruction of America? One thing is clear, the Republican Party is actively engaged in a War On: American Women, America's middle class, American's working class, women's reproductive rights, medicare, social security, our children's public school system, and higher education--just to name a few.
America's enemies aren't always obvious, especially to emotional thinkers who are vulnerable to enemies and foreign infiltrators masquerading as American Patriots. But in the end all they want to do is destroy American Democracy and with it the United State of America--starting with the middle class and working down the economic scale.
Remembering that Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for President of the United States of America in 2012, defined middle class as anyone making less than $250,000 a year, 98% of Americans will be hurt by this assault on democracy and the middle class. Some pundits say that Romney's cut-off figure for defining the middle class was much higher than $250,000.
Republicans across the United states of America unabashedly behave more like traitors willing to engage in acts of sedition, than they are like patriotic statesmen committed to upholding The Constitution and supporting the average American citizen. Most of their actions seemed destined to deny the average American and your children your inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
If a virtual virus has infected the conservative brain, we can better understand the prolific inane and insane comments they are wont to make. And we might be more willing to show a little sympathy for some Republicans who are wont to make them. We can have sympathy for the Republican Senator on a science committee in Louisiana, a Creationist who apparently does not understand the concept or theory of evolution. He proved it by asking learned members on the committee for an explanation of how the E. Coli virus evolves into a human.That question would be pathetically funny were it not for the fact that this Republican Senator is on a science committee, making decisions that will affect your children.
We can even have sympathy for a Republican leader who accused President Barack Obama of "using his position as president to lead the country". Really. The insanity never stops. In the latest brain dead accusation, Representative James Lankford a Republican from Oklahoma blame welfare mothers for gun violence.
Some of the comments about rape and violence against women are much harder to explain and impossible for any rational American to have sympathy for. But an infected brain is an infected brain. However, since there is hope for surviving a viral infection, perhaps the conservative brain and the Republican Party can be cured of its affliction. In the mean time why would anyone want an infected brain running the country we call the United States of America?
But if the Republican party has been infiltrated by an infestation of foreign conspirators and American traitors who support sedition and an assault on democracy, America has a much larger problem. This war on democracy and on the American people, beginning with the middle class and what some call the upper middle class, will tear America apart.
Early in the first term of President Brack Obama, conservatives said they wanted Obama to fail even if it meant America fails. And they meant it. Nothing they did in the last seven years were for the benefit of America and for Americans who are not rich. They wanted America to fail. In 2016 they seem intent on traveling the same road.
Republicans apparently are only interested in power for the purpose of increasing the divide between the very wealthy and the rest of America. They are on record for rigging elections. They have unabashedly made plans for gerrymandering voting districts in states to benefit whoever will be the next Republican candidate for president.
Early in 2013, Paul Ryan, Republican candidate for vice-president in the failed Republican run for the presidency in 2012, unapologetically acknowledged that the Republican Party will push for a budget and policy changes that he knows will hurt America. What else does American need to know?
Virtual Virus or obstruction and Sedition, present day conservatives and the Republican Party are bad for America. Why, then, would you and any other rational American want Republicans leading America?