Right Wing Conservatives are very good at spreading lies, creating obstruction of government for the common good, and subterfuge. They are also very good at pretending to be liberal while trolling social media. They are easily recognized. They usually identify themselves with the statement: "I'm a liberal, but..." and then proceed to make an insane or otherwise outrageous statement no true progressive would ever make.
This tactic is very similar to the one used by racist who camp out on and troll Black sites and Black bulletin boards while pretending to be Black. "I'm black, but..." then they make statements that undeniably prove that they have nothing in the way of a 'black experience."
But trolling while pretending to be liberal isn't the only method used by right wing conservatives and their RWNJ compatriots when they troll social media. They employ many different ploys in their efforts to get liberals to defend, doubt, or question their resolve.
On Twitter, for example, they will camp out on and troll a particular hashtags. They employ transparent but sometimes effective BS to distract or obfuscate the issue intended by an original progressive tweet.
1. Changing the narrative is a favorite tactic.This ploy is used to get progressive tweeters off the topic. Eventually, you find yourself engaged in an argument or debate so far remove from your original statement, you can forget what you were defending.
2. Asking you to defend a statement that you never made is another tactic. They often begin with the statement: "Are you saying.." and then say something you did not say. This ploy is similar to changing the narrative except that this tactic makes you defend something that was never yours. It wastes emotional energy as well as intellectual energy on a position that you have never taken. It can be very exhausting if you engage in the process.
3. Once you engage in a debate or argument on line with conservative trolls, the argument will soon be joined by other trolls. And you will find yourself trying to fend off a barrage of irrelevant and illogical conservative bullshit and accusations.
Trying to engage in meaningful debate with these people is more often than not a futile process that has no value for liberals and progressives. The goal of right wing conservative trolls is not to engage in meaningful debate but to make liberals weary of the process. Ultimately, their goal is tire you out and give up the defense of your position and maybe even consider that your position is indefensible. It is generally a waste of time to debate these people.
However, you are bored, could use a little humor, and are willing to get down and dirty with right wing conservative nut jobs to get it hear are a few things to remember.
1. Right wing conservative trolls often don't know what they are talking about. They are simply repeating statements they have been programmed to think and say without any thought or knowledge about what they really mean. Rather than go on the defensive, go on the offensive. Make them defend their positions. Ask them if they have any facts to support their position or if they have any examples of what they claim. Better yet, ask them "What does that mean?" and don't accept a regurgitation of previous statements as a valid response.
2. Many of these people are not very smart. If you find yourself engaged with an arrogant RWNJ who is clearly not your intellectual equal, don't be afraid to say so. It is not politically incorrect for progressives to tell an arrogant idiot that he or she is an idiot. Simply do it without being vulgar. But be prepared for the vulgarity that will come back at you because that is the only response of which they are capable.
3.When they change the narrative or accuse you or a statement you have not made, simply tell them their statement is irrelevant and a non-sequitur.
4. When they accuse you of using "big words" to circumvent their arguments, simply apologize but be sure tell them that "these are not big words to people who read.
Also remember that some of these trolls are paid assets of Insanely wealthy conservative billionaires like the Koch brothers and other wealthy seditionists who are opponents of democracy, the middle class, and all of working class America.
They have more cash than they could ever spend. So rather than use it to benefit America to improve the common good, they use it to gain total control on the American economy, the American government, and the American People.
They are committed to an America run by a Plutocracy: 1. a controlling class of the wealthy, 2. government by the wealthy, 3. a group of wealthy people who control or influence government.
Using paid trolls to further their madness is just one component of their effort to achieve this. And it is just one more component of which we must be aware if we want to save America.