My apology for ending a sentence with a preposition, but the following is a list of things right wing conservative Republican voters and officials are good at...
1.Right wing conservative arm chair warriors and chickenhawks are good at sending your poor, working poor, and middles class sons and daughters to foreign lands to fight wars for Big Oil and other Mega-corporations. They also have no problem ignoring these veterans when they return home broke, broken, raped, jobless, and homeless.
2. Repeating and promoting bad information and lies from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and other conservative trolls and pundits.
3. Right wing conservative voters excel at voting against their own interest and biting the democratic hand that tries to help them out of their republican created red state misery.
4. Loving their Tea Party and Republican Party abusers. Some learned scholars refer to this as the Stockholm Syndrome. The Stockholm Syndrome is alive and well among the conservative working poor and the conservative middle class.
5. Opposing affordable health care, living wages, and job bills for veterans.
6. Participating in the Republican War Against Women and hiding behind women when they anticipate danger. See Bundy Ranch altercation in the red area of the accompanying photo.
7. Destroying unions.
8. Deregulating businesses and industries with histories of industrial pollution, predatory economics, and poisoning communities sources of safe drinking water.
9. Setting up the United States Postal Service, Public Education, and Prisons for failure and project cost overrun to make a case for privatization of public services.
10. Opposing education and denying science. Conservatives persist in denying global warming and climate change despite all of the scientific evidence to the contrary. Republicans also deny even the possibility of evolution and prefer to believe that science is best taught using the Bible as a science textbook.
11. Being homophobic, sexist, hypocritical, illogical, and just plain stupid.
12. Citing the Bible as a reference for abberant behavior and ignoring the teaching of Jesus Christ and any part of the Bible that does not support their hate and destructive behaviors, rhetoric, and beliefs.
13. Enjoying a passionate love affair with their guns and others weapons of mass destruction.
14. Ignoring the fact that they can be conservative and still be offended by right wing conservative lies and the Republican assault on the working poor, the working class, and middle class American families
15. Defending the actions and raising money for support and legal defense of white men who shoot and kill unarmed black men and young black boys simply because they are black.
16. Claiming to be christians and loving Jesus christ while embracing division, anger, and hate.
17. Championing the needs and selfish desires of billionaires over the needs and desires of non-rich Americans, including their own families.
18. Making vile, slimey, profane comments on social media they believe are smart and/or funny but instead are simply juvenile, silly, dumb, and without any social value.
19. Trying to make sure President Obama fails "even if it means America fails."
20. Telling lies about almost everything that contributes to the common good, including but not limited to lies about...
a. Their love for America.
b. President Obama.
c. Supporting and believing in family values.
d. Possessing and motivated by a superior morality.
e. Liberals.
f. Democrats.
g. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare.
h. The Bible.
i. The national debt.
j. Being patriotic.
k. Privatization.
l. Unions.
m. Deregulation of business and industries whose abuses are in opposition to the common good.
n. Economics and The American Economy.
Is this the political wing people who love America desire for their country. I hope not. Because, if too many people do, then America is screwed.