"I would rather die than have a nigger save my life." This quote, first uttered years ago, and reflected in many more narratives over the years in places like a Star Trek episode, reveals the suicidal depravity of hate and racism. Hate and racism has no value. They destroy communities, cities, and nations. But hate's destruction has its genesis in the destruction of the individual and in families. It encourages men and women make irrational decisions and take suicidal positions. One of the worse, and perhaps more pathetic position rings very loudly in the arrogant boast that "I would rather die that have a nigger save my life".
It's an old but true story--once told about an event that took place in a war in a foreign country. A badlly wounded white American soldier looks into the face of a black nurse attendant who merely wanted to save him and give him relief from his pain. The wounded soldier is so outraged by her presence, perhaps by her existence, he demands that she go away and leave him alone. Indeed he insists in as loud a voice as his pain would allow that he would rather die that have a nigger save his life.
Can the human race survive with that kind of logic and emotional reasoning firmly entrenched in the human gene pool? Or is it more likely that vile hate and suicidal venom has no humanly reason for reproducing? Too many people are slaves to the DNA of a morally corupt history and are emotionally, or worse, intellectually unable to understand the need for social change and to act accordingly. DNA is a mean master and it takes an intelligent, emotionally stable, and secure thinker to overcome corrupt racist ancestral memories.
Apparently hate and racism trumps everything, even common sense and the law of survival. It is this kind of thinking that generates so much irrational animosity towards President Barack Obama. DNA that has slavery as one of its bedrock foundations does not permit white conservative men and women to live with the thought that their lives can be made better by a black man or a black woman unless they, as their superiors, better yet their slave masters, are forcing them to do it.
Hate and racism are vile and vicious slave masters.They perpetuate division at every level of their existence. They hide the truth and camouflages lies as if they are true.
It is not surprising, then, that so many tea party fueled right wing conservative Americans are so violently opposed to an affordable health care act, especially one known as Obamacare. That so many opponents of ACA or Obamacare are poor, working class, and middle class conservatives who are without any or without adequate health insurance isn't any less surprising.
In the final analysis, many white conservatives, no matter what other argument they offer--before they accepts Barack Obama's help--would rather have no insurance, poor insurance by companies who deny their claim, go to the emergency room, or die. It's the birth child of a suicidal pact conceived in the ancestral memories of a racist hell that would make some white people say they "would rather die than have a nigger save my life".