What is wrong with the Republican Party? Try as I might, I have failed in my New Year's Resolution to write a positive post on the Republican Party. It can't be done. The Party Of No is recklessly committed to being the party of hate, the party of mean, the party of hypocrisy, and the party of nonsense.
The mean and apparently unhappy Republican congressional members who reside in The Senate and in the Republican controlled House of Representatives are vigilant and vigorous in their commitment to continuously wage war against the American people and wage war on democracy. What good can come out of that?
The image at the right gives a good representation of the hypocrisy in the party. The conservative party that is violently opposed to abortions for any reason need to abort the political venom that is a deadly poison to the social, economic, and physical lives of so many Americans; including those misguided and sometimes pathetic Americans who insists on voting for mean conservatives at their own peril.
The Republican War on Women has been validated many times over. But the GOP, despite its insistence to the contrary is just as committed to its war on democracy in the United States Of America. They are engaged in a war on the civil rights of all Americans regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation, and economic wealth or the lack of it.
In many ways, the Republican Party and its Tea Party confederates have much in common with the middle eastern tyrants. All three are relentless in their determined goal of restricting women's rights-especially their reproductive rights, denying civil rights, denying or restricting health care for those who are not wealthy, restricting social programs, limiting access to education K-12 and in higher education, and winning the war on democracy.
In middle class and working class families where graduating high school students still insist on trying to get a degree in higher education, Republicans insist on raising the cost of college and increasing the interest rate on student loans so that college graduates are saddled with enormous debt. Clearly Conservative Republicans are more committed to Corporate profits and commercial bank profits than they are to higher education and its benefits to America.
In the past three years, the conservative Republican Party has introduced more than 1000 pieces of legislation Restricting Women's Reproductive Rights and zero (0) pieces of legislation restricting the sale of assault weapons. Additionally, conservatives have introduced zero (0) legislation, since the beginning of America, restricting the reproductive rights of men.
Where we are in a position to vote these mean abusive Americans out of office, we should do so. And we should do it at the local, state, and national levels. Otherwise, we may wake up one day and realize too late what a mess we have left for our children and grandchildren, children we profess to love and care about. They deserve much better.
Rick Santorum, is on record saying: "We" (conservative Republicans) "will never have the elite smart people on our side." Lets hope he is correct. Lets also trust that there are more elite smart people in America who love America than there are mean not so smart people in America who hate America and who are committed to getting the mean Republican cancer on America out of political office.