John Boehner and his House Republicans cohorts may not be anti-democracy or anti-American , but they sure act like they are. Congressman Boehner's failed leadership and support by the Republican majority House Of Representatives have failed the American People on both these issues.
On the former, House leader Boehner and his conservative company have without shame or any hint at remorse have not even attempted to hide the fact that they have worked hard at denying many American citizens their sacred right to vote and to have each vote counted. The right to vote is the cornerstone right of American Democracy. And every attempt to deny any citizen the right to vote is an attack on democracy--something about which we are quick to accuse our foreign enemies.
The House apparently is not committed to the principal that it is the duty of the congress to protect Democracy at home--to give every family and every person equal protection under the law--including blacks, whites, immigrants, natural born citizens, Christians, others religions, atheists, LGBT, and every other person or group who is not blessed or cursed by wealth
On the latter, the list of failures is monumental. They have failed to create jobs, failed to protect and invest in K-12 public education. They are against affordable higher education for those who are not wealthy, choosing instead to make sure if you go to college you will be saddles with monumental debt with high interest rates for the rest of your life even if you unable to find a job.
They have failed to create jobs and have failed to promote small business growth, choosing instead to increase the wealth of billionaires at the expense of poor, working class, and middle class Americans-black, white, anglo, hispanic, conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican, men, and women.
If you are not wealthy the Republican controlled House of Representatives, beyond wanting your vote, has no need of you nor any regard for the rights that democracy promises--the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Their record on things important to American citizens is abysmal.
The House has passed more than 46 bills on abortion, 113 bills on religion, 73 bills on family relations, 36 bill on marriage, and 437 bills on government investigations. But they continue to block bills to aid small business, extend unemployment benefits, and pass laws aimed at institutional reform for Wall Street and Mega Bank Banks who use their power to take grow filthy rich at the expense of the average American. this if from a party that claims the government should not intrude on the personal lives of American citizens.
One must give conservative Republicans credits for one thing, however. They are superb puppet masters. They have been able to convince older, poor, working class, and middle class white Americans that a Democratic Party that works to protect the American Dream and works to improves the lives of the average American is in fact an enemy of Democracy and of the American way of life.
Conservative white America needs to understand this. They need to go to the polls in the 2014 election elect members of the Democratic Party who are committed to democracy and a democratic way of life and get these Republican enemies of the American people and of democracy out of office. Otherwise, conservative white America will soon wake up and clearly understand that Conservative Republicans in power have seen the enemy and it is everyone who is not wealthy.
Still, it is comforting to know that, in the end, we get what we vote for and what we deserve. Unfortunately the same cannot always be said about our children-black or white. But children of the wealthy will do well under a repressive Republican regime.