The Republican Party is not the party of ideas, intelligent decisions, intelligent discourse, and equality for all. During the presidential campaign, they stood for nothing except for being against Barack Obama. So, why does anyone think the Republican party is good for America?
The GOP offers citizen of the United States of America no contributions of ideas that will improve and move America forward. Nor do they offer any solutions to any of America's problems. To the contrary, they seemingly enjoy engaging in what could best be described as acts of sedition aimed at destroying the basic foundation of what made America Great.
Calling the Republican Party "The Party of No" is an accurate characterization of the party. But the party is worse than this emotionally benign label. Most of the policies and positions the GOP has taken in recent years are aimed at hurting the middle class, the working class, the poor, seniors, soldiers and veterans and their families, women, children, college students, LGBT, immigrants, religious and ethnic minorities, and anyone making less than $250,000 -- $1,000,000 a year. Where is the value in that for America?
Leaders of the party are apparently wired to engage in behavior and positions bordering on stupidity, insanity, and humiliation. The party has given us Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, the uncivil divisive anger producing rants of Rush Limbaugh, The Lie Factory at Fox News, and a long list of "what the heck was that?" moments from other members of the party.
The party has given us a host of Republican leaders who advocate to their "base" that the only true, sane, and patriotic American is a dumb-downed American who will fight for the right of billionaires to take advantage of those who are not rich, and who believe that intelligence and education, is elitist, undesirable, and an unworthy goal for themselves and their children.
In state after state the GOP have made concentrated efforts to destroy unions, often under guise of a "right to work" law that sounds good to dumb-downed Americans who are not critical thinkers. But why does the GOP want to destroy Unions? The reason is simple. Unions by organizing labor have effectively kept abusive corporations from taking advantage of working Americans. Since Republicans work for corporations not the American people, unions must go.
Unions and organized labor helped to create the middle class--the heart and soul of a sound healthy America, helped to give us Social Security, minimum wages, the forty hour work week, protective child labor laws, unemployment insurance, safer working conditions, and the funding of public education for America's children. Can't every sane American see that there is value in that?
So what does the Republican Party stand for? We have looked at the list and it is not pretty. The list is too long to submit in its entirety, but the list below more than makes the point
1. Republicans are against abortion for any reason as long as the women are poor or part of the working class-middle class. But Personal family doctors will see that rich women have their "necessary procedures" no matter what.
2. The GOP is against affordable health care because it keep average Americans out of bankruptcy and decrease outlandish profits for corporations.
3. The GOP deem Social Security and Medicare as unearned "entitlements" even for workers who have paid into it for years. But they apparently believe that Republican members of congress are entitled to the free health care they receive. Shouldn't they give it up if they don't believe in it?
4. Republicans voted against the Violence Against Women Act.
5. Republican would rather throw America down a "fiscal cliff" than make the rich pay their fair share of taxes to help strengthen America's infrastructure and help keep America safe and solvent.
6. The GOP would destroy Public Education and privatize education to Corporation for corporate profits resulting in inferior education,low pay for teachers, low or no benefits for employees, and no or inadequate retirement plans for the teachers and mentors of our children.
The Republican Party, The Party of No, is not good for America. Every Good American can see that.