One of the big lies advocated by the Republican Party is that Unions in America are bankrupting the states. They would have Americans believe that teachers and other unionized workers have fat benefit packages that are to blame for state deficits. But in most state as many as two-thirds of corporations pay no taxes. In many states, revenues from corporate taxes have decreased by more than one-half since 1980.
Republican would also have you believe that government regulations are killing American jobs when the reverse is more true. A series of disasters from oil spills, coal mine explosions, and the disaster created by the financial crisis of 2007-2009 that threw more than 8 Million American out of work were caused not by too much regulation but by unenforced government regulations, the absence of government regulations, and by inadequate government regulations.
That the Conservative wing of the Republican party consistently lies to the American people has been well documented. But why these two lies?
On the subject of deregulation, rich conservatives republicans and their corporate cohorts want to gut many government regulations because goverment regulations protect poor, working class, and middle class Americans from corporate greed and corporate abuse.
The deadly meningitis outbreak of 2012 in 18 states that have killed at least 25 Americans have been linked to Unregulated Compounding Pharmacies. Unregulated Compounding Pharmacies?
Republicans vigorously propose and support policies will weaken The Environment Protection Agency. The EPA helps protect ordinary American citizens from corporate greed and abuse that pollute the air Americans breath, pollute the water our children drink, and pollute the land with widespread cancer causing pollutants on which corporate developers build the homes in which families live.
Wall Street, the insurance industry, banks, and other financial institutions would not have been able to take advantage of trusting (and sometimes greedy) Americans to create the U.S. financial crisis of 2007-2009 if traditional regulations that protect the middle class had still been in place.
On the subject of Unions, Republicans try to demonize unions for the same reason they try to demonize President Obama for being a "community organizer" and for fostering "hope and change."
The GOP prefer that ordinary Americans not be organized nor filled with hope. But that's what unions did for the American Worker--especially White American workers. With union help, generations of White Americans were organized to stand together to protect union workers and their families. Now in this critical time of 2012 unions are encouraging Americans to support candidate who, like President Barack Obama, will protect Americans and:
1. Create Jobs by ending end tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs overseas to Communist China other countires and instead give tax breaks to corporations that protect and create jobs here in the USA.
2. Strengthen Public Education and not use tax payers dollars to destroy public education and privatize the education of American Children to help build corporate wealth and not to better educate our children. They want to insure that American children from poor, working class, and middle class families, from Pre-K to College to Pell Grants and have every opportunity to grow and be productive American Citizens.
3. Protect Medicare. Recent Republican attacks on Medicares will end Medicare as we know it and replace it with a voucher program that does not guarantee coverage. Further it will cost Seniors more than $6000 per year in out-of-pocket costs. This change will affect you, your parents, and your children.
4. Defend Working Families. Instead of giving tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires and raising taxes on working class middle class families, America needs leaders who will protect the bottom line of working families.
This is a critical time for America. Don't be tricked by the false promises from the GOP, a party that will continue its assault on the middle class. Stand with leaders who will protect working families and take America forward not backwards