Note to poor working class and working middle class American: Mitt Romney will never respect you as much as you respect him. Nor will he work for you as hard as you work for him. But, President Barack Obama has worked tirelessly for the American People. Even when his efforts and policies were blocked and obstructed by the Republican party, he did not whine or make excuses. Instead, he rolled up his sleeves and went back to work at being president of all the people, believing that most of the American people would appreciate what he is doing for them and for the United States of America.
In President Barack Obama we have a clear choice of a president who will not lie to the American Public by giving glittering generalities and glitzy platitudes that sound good to emotional thinkers but have no factual basis. Unfortunately, too many members of the middle class, including firefighters, teachers, nurses, union members, police, and military who should know better, do not recognize that the GOP favor big business over the middle class and that voting for Republican candidates is bad for their economic, social, personal, and physical health. Republicans are on record for "making sure that Obama fails, even if it means America fails". The GOP for 4 years have been dedicated to making sure America fails while hiding under the false clock of patriotism, God, and family values. But, during the last 12 years, every vote for the Republican party was a vote for a smaller middle class, a greater divide between rich and poor, and millions of jobs being sent overseas to China and other countries.
President Obama has been a stalwart against Republican intrusion into the private lives of American citizens by the conservative right and from active aggression against the American people by greedy, selfish, and divisive members of the Republican Party. The following is a short list of some of Mr Obama's accomplishment for the people during his presidency.
1. President Obama has shown a Committment to American Women and their families to include: Equal pay for women for equal work, improving women's health, and protecting women's right to choose.
2. In 2010 President Obama passed the landmark Affordable Care Act to restore health care as a basic conerstone of middle class security in America. Mitt Romney is on record for saying that he will end the ACA if he is elected president. Why? This act will end insurance company abuses, keep premiums low, expand access to care, and close the Medicare Prescription Drug "Donut Hole" Apparaently Mr Romney thinks that is too good for the middle class.
3. President Obama has shown a committment to putting Americans back to work and rebuilding a fair economy for the middle class. While Mitt Romney was advocating that Detroit should go bandrupt, President Obama saved the auto industry from collapse and prevented the loss of 1.4 million jobs. The president supports the Rebuild America Jobs Act, which the Republican controlled house filibustered--an act that would put even more people back to work. The President supports a bill to stop tax breaks for corporations that send jobs overseas to China and other nations. His economic recovery program supported as many as 3.6 million jobs by cutting taxes, investing in clean energy, roads and bridges, keeping teachers in the classroom and protecting unemployment benefits.
4. The President and First Lady Michelle Obama has demonstrated and honored their commitment to honoring the services of Military Veterans and their families. President Obama brought the war in Iraq to a responsible end, brought our troops home, helped our troops and their families get the help they have earned, and enacted acts for new tax credits to encourage businesses to hire unemployed and disabled veterans.
It should be obvious to most Americans that President Barack Obama is a President who belives in government of the people, by the people, and for the people.