One of the active hashtags on Twitter is #UnfitMitt. Most are cogent tweets, pointing out some relevant weaknesses of Mitt Romney's ability to be president. To be sure, some are just mean spirited. But most suggests that the facts as evidenced by his flip flopping on issues, his personal and political gaffes, his history at Bain Capital, his comments about ordinary Americans, and his Goober Pyle like moments on the campaign trail , suggests Mitt Romney would be a disaster if he were elected President of The United States.
But Ann Romney, who should know her husband as well as, if not better than anyone, has given us the most damaging reason why Mitt is unfit for the presidency and for not sending Mitt Romney to the Whitehouse. On September 27, 2012, on CBS affiliate KTVN TV in Nevada, Ann Romney said that her "biggest concern", if Mr. Romney were elected president, "obviously would be for his mental well-being." And even though she went on to say that she had confidence in his leadership skills and his understanding of the economy, her assertion about the potential of an emotional breakdown in the Whitehouse is a serious condemnation of his qualilfications for President.
Mrs Romney said that she had confidence in Mitt's decisiveness. But decisiveness in the hand of a someone who is mentally damaged by the pressure of the office of the president, can be devastating for America. Americans need to feel confident that when the real pressure is on in the Whitehouse-and it always is-whether foreign or domestic, the president won't wilt under that pressure.
Ann romney's statement about Mitt's mental well-being could easily make one wonder if Mitt Romney is on medication under medical supervision for mental stability. Is Mr Romney a fragile personality who crumble when things are not going well? When you are wealthy and the rest of the world doesn't really touch you, things always go well. Not so much with the president in the Whitehouse. And perhaps his inability to handle stress and uncomfortable or difficult situations is why Mitt Romney at times seems uncomfortable and anxious and, on a whim, can say such crazy or demeaning and out of touch things about ordinary people. It may give a clue to his anger and his controlling issues. One thing is certain, very likely, no one knows Mitt Romney better than his wife, Ann Romney. If she has concerns about Mitt's mental well-being, the American public should be concerned, too.
Interestingly enough, Ann romney's concern about the viability of her husband's emotional and mental well-being has not gotten as much conservative and so-called liberal media attention as it would have gotten if those same comments had been made by First Lady Michelle Obama. We don't have to wonder why.
At this point in the campaign for the presidency, however, we wonder if the American Public will cast a vote for President of The United States Of America a man whose wife says she is concerned about his mental well-being if he were to to become president.