It was an epiphany for me when I realized that God allows me to enjoy the fruits of my labor and the accumulation of wealth. But the caveat is that I must not succumb to the seduction of unrepentant greed and instead must take pleasure in helping deserving talent, and making reasonable and painless contributions to the functioning welfare of the unfortunate needy and the blameless poor among us. But I feel that too many of the rich and powerful in America relish income inequality. They want the divide between rich and poor to grows larger even at the expense of a once large and proud white middleclass."
The concept of work without reward is an anathema to the evolution of our species. We are born with natural ambition. And in the evolution of our species some possess more of it than others. Still, whatever may be the intensity of our ambition and the quality of our expertise, we expect rewards for the successful completion of our tasks.
Clearly our Symbiotic God of Creation understand this as demonstrated by His willlingness to share a symbiotic relationship with Him. So what problem does Creation have with human becoming rich or extremely wealthy? According to the the impressions we receive, He has none. Creation expects us to enjoy the fruits of our labor and even allows without prejudice any one of us to become abundantly wealthy in the process.
Human ambition is a Creation-Based evolutionary attribute; unrepentant greed is not. Unrepentant greed is an abomination to our Symbiotic God. God allows us a healthy attainment of wealth without prejudice because God needs assistance from the fortunate to help the unfortunate among the common people.
Creation's experimental Earth being what it, the economic and physical life of our kind could never be inherently fair and equal for the physical life of every soul. . And even though God cares for every deserving soul in it's physical tenure on Earth, our creator as a rule does not physically intervene in our lives. Consequently, He requires the assistance of the fortunate among us to help deserving talent and to provide aid to the unfortunate needy and the blameless poor among us. Income inequality is a fact of life. But how wide must the gulf between rich have to be?
Unfortuately, too many on the conserative right are very content, indeed obsessed with income inequality. They are addicted to hoarding abundant wealth beyond what more than countless generations could ever efficiently use. They engage in the denial of humanitarian service and the hoarding of wealth as if the only purpose of being is to create a powerful dynasty of small decadent groups of affluent and predatory users of the masses and self-indulgent abusers of the weak and disenfranchised to accrue more wealth, power, and control.
This drive to hoard wealth and deny access to affordable services is further defined by the drive to create a growing divide between the wealthy and the poor, even if it means destroying what once was a crowning achievement of America--a successful American middle class.
But what is the purpose of being super wealthy and politically powerful if you can't flaunt it? And what proves it more than a conservative fringe that uses lies and emotional but illogical rhetoric to convince people--who should be smart enough to know better--that income inequality, welfare, and economic perks for the wealthy (even when it doesn't benefit them) is a higher goal than supporting the pursuit of happiness and a reasonable standard of living for ordinary citizens?
Where is the profit in all of that when all that you and yours can purchase and use can only buy pleasure and things, the power to abuse and control, but cannot buy the safety and sanity of a healthy moral happiness? More importantly, where is the profit in all that when your inevitable death is the advent of an eternal lonely hell simply because you chose to hoard and not share your gifts?
And even though you may not believe you are an etenal soul, it doesn't mean you are not. And even though you may not believe in the eternal hell of a sorrowful solitary existence for the soul that defines you, it does not mean it does not await you.
The wisdom and morality of the idea that we can enjoy the fruits of our labor but not succumb to the seduction of unrepentant greed is not restricted to the incredibly wealthy. It applies to all of us. All of us can make painless contribution to assist where we can. This does not mean we have to give to everyone who asks nor whenever anyone asks. Where when and how you give is your personal decision. but give and share you must if you want to share Symbiotic Intimacy and receive the gift of Symbiotic Grace.