Sexual Predators,rapists, a lack of civility, boorish behavior, rudeness, bombastic pontification, and wild aggression is likely caused by three things--none of which are caused by the male hormone...None of which are desirable...A Lack of Intelligence, A Lack Of Critical Thinking, and/or A Lack Of Discipline.
But some would have us believe that war, rape, and male aggression is caused by the "presence of sin" and that sin is at the root of all our social ills.
Some even suggest that liberal minded thinkers (who are possessed with the intelligence and the grace to be civil to all people regardless of their sexual, religious, or ethnic orientation) is the root cause of our social problems. Pat Robertson blames the Boston Marathon Bombings on acceptance of liberals and the gay community. There is no biological reason for making that statement. What thinking man would ever make that statement?
Some men believe they have a biological right and are entitled to the sexual services of some woman, any woman, whenever they desire it. Really? What are we? Animals. Yes, of course we are. But supposedly we are thinking animals, at least at a level we believe to be superior to all other animals.
Some men believe they have a right to anything they want, even if they have to steal it or take it by force. Your land, your money, your woman, your self-respect, your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But, even lower animals kill only for what they need--food and especially when their young are threatened. If humans operated on biological instincts we would do the same. But we don't.
So men who have brawn but lack intelligence and the ability to be rational for the good of humankind; and men who are immoral because they are greedy and are not critical thinkers; and men who lack discipline are the root cause of most of our social problems. There are no biological excuses for the evil men do--especially to women and to the living planet we call Earth.