The economic meltdown was an assault on the American People. The goal was to rape the public treasury so the wealthy could hoard more money and become more rich (as in filthy rich) while the working poor and the working middle class would become poorer and more dependent. It was a pre-mediated attack on America, the American Economy, and the American people..
But most in the media did not possess the guts, the moral integrity, or the patriotic duty to call it what it was. They were acts of sedition and treason. Pure and Simple.
These acts of sedition and treason was carefully orchestrated by the Conservative led coalition on the assault on democracy. Their only goal was and is the destruction of the middle class, the American Economy, and the United States Of America Infrastructure. All of these actions were planned and carried out by the Bush-Cheney led coalition against a democratic government for the common good. And while all of it occurred before Barack Obama took office, liars in the media, especially the conservative media, and in the congress were all too willing to blame the rape of the public treasury and destruction of the middle class on the new president.
What is the penalty for rape? Will America's victims seek justice for this vile indecent attack? Or will they lie down and simply let the perpetrators violate America again? They took money from the public treasure. Which means they took money and jobs from the working poor and the working middle class. Then they had the gall to blamed it on someone else. In a chorus led by Rush Limbaugh and the liars at Fox New, every crime this coalition-of-the-greedy committed was placed at the feet of President Barack Obama.
Unfortunately for America, these Neo-Cons are relentless in their efforst to convince you to let them do it again. And Again. History has shown us that slow learners learn the hard way. Unfortunately slow learners never seem to learn that racism, stupidity, and gullibility trumps everything--even common sense and the wisdom to vote in their best interest.
But since we live in a world and a country that (despite America's protestations to the contrary) is possessed by the insanity of a rape culture, those who raped the public treasure will not suffer for any of their transgressions. and your children, grandchildren, and the rest of your friends and loved ones will be the ones who will suffer--leaving you with nothing but your regret that you did nothing to stop the Rape Of America and her Democracy when you had the chance.