Right Wing Conservative Politicians and pundits have known for some time now that you could tell a Trusting Base any thing. EVEN A LIE. And if you said it enough-- EVEN A LIE-- You could fool them and They would rush to believe it. And also believe THE BIG LIE... That they are actual members of rich group who control their minds and their lives...Proudly and Mindlessly reciting every mantra of Right wing conservative pundits and the right wing Republican Party Line. But they can't go to the party. Not enough money and not enough common sense to know better. Even when their base makes up most of the 47% the latest Republican presidential candidate rejected, some of the rejected still voted for him.
One wonders how much longer ordinary Americans can survive under this culture of lies manipulation. Too many conservatives are such slaves to their corrupted memory and corrupt history that they deny themselves the opportunity to see the other side. They are afraid of being too liberal.
Unfortunately, an inability to hear anything except the lies being preached to you only make you capable of hearing and believing lies. The creator and messenger of lies tell you lies they want to make you angry, scared, delusional, and dependent. They do this because their only motivation is to control you and take advantage of you. And if the intent of their lies and scare tactics is to control you and take advantage of you, then controlling you and taking advantage of you is what they will do.
Nothing is more delusional nor more sad that a man who believes that one who lies to him really cares for him, respects him, and wants only what is best for him.